Killcumin Broad Boat, Oil on Mi-Teintes, 26 x 40 inches, 2005
Lion’s Cave Capital
The Eric & Patsi Sumner Collection | Chatham, New Jersey
In 2007, Eric Sumner co-founded Lion’s Cave Capitol modeled on the very best aspects of a corporate research lab in Chatham, NJ. His vision to create a sympathetic place to work surrounded by art, incidentally, one that mined large quantities of data in order to trade stocks algorithmically. Eric also devoted himself to the creative pursuit of writing and collecting art.
I am pleased to have numerous oil paintings that span 20 years of my career in the Lion’s Cave Capital collection. His enthusiasm, generosity, and genuine support of my work has been a major contributing factor for my artistic perseverance.

Cover Art for Novel Authored by Eric Sumner
David Brewster, 2022

Hoisting and Hauling
Oil on Mi-Teintes
32 x 48 inches
Overhead Transmission, North River
Oil on Mi-Teintes
64 x 47 inches

Peonies and Cast Iron Skillet
Oil on Mi-Teintes
47 x 32 inches

North River Spillway
Oil on Mi-Teintes
47 x 64 inches