Rachel Carson Music and Campus Center, Middlesex School, Concord, MA
Irrespective of politics, Middlesex and its campus has evolved with, and reflects the exciting changes in human activity and interests. History has many authors, and buildings are an important narrative vehicle that invites not only a representational record of place and time but the opportunity to capture the emotional dimension of an era.
Not unlike the distinctive smoke stack used to heat the school for a century, that still remains at the heart of the new performing art center , former faculty member David Lang brought great enthusiasm and warmth to his teaching at Middlesex. He had the rare ability to help students take artistic risk and to experiment with expressive techniques. His direct approach, and whimsical concepts combined with found objects provoked student learning at the highest level. I witnessed first- hand David Lang’s indefatigable energy and outstanding teaching in 1976 where as student I attended his figure anatomy and drawing class. David has helped launch countless individuals in successful careers in the visual and performing arts who presently enjoy National recognition for their innovations and the oil painting “Middlesex School Steam Boiler Interior, c. 1906” is a celebration of the positive impact that he has contributed.
The Rachel Carson Music and Campus Center provides much needed music rehearsal and performance space, classrooms, and collaboration areas for students. This painting is made as an inspiration and visual educational reference for those who will use or visit this new building, so that there can be an appreciation for the nature of the preserved smoke stack and Cleaver Brooks manufactured steam boilers relevance to the schools unique history.
The industrial narrative is not only appropriate for the walls of the building it commemorates but for the creative genius of David Lang who loves machines and how moving parts magically work together to create a whole. Last Spring David exhibited his elegant kinetic sculpture” Journey” at the Boston Sculptors Gallery which was met by extraordinary response.
It is with great joy to honor David Alan Lang: Middlesex Faculty, Art Department Chair, Director Cornelius Ayer Gallery 1972 -2003 with the permanent installation of an oil painting ” Middlesex School Steam Boiler Interior, c.1906″